
Showing posts from October, 2019

Students and religion in U.S. schools

God is here. God is alive. In this world and in schools as well. Many teenagers participate in or witness religious activity on campus . Students retain a First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion and may voluntarily pray before, during and after school. A Pew Resaerch Center survey finds that about four-in-ten teens who attend public schools say they commonly (either “often” or “sometimes”) see other students praying before sporting events at school. This includes about half of teenage public schoolers who live in the South, where students are more likely than those in other regions to witness and partake in various religious expressions at school. In addition, roughly half of U.S. teens who attend public school say they commonly see other students in their school wearing religious clothing (such as an Islamic headscarf ) or jewelry with religious symbols (such as a necklace with a Christian cross or a Jewish Star of David). About a quarter of

Is Ukraine phone call a political set up against Trump?

GOP Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming singled out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Twitter, suggesting that the phone call between President Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart "is starting to seem like a political set up ." In her tweet, Cheney asked “what did you know and when did you know it?” of Pelosi while referencing the Democratic Speaker's "60 Minutes" interview in which she described talking to Trump about the call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky before it was released to the public. Cheney continued, "This is starting to seem like a political set up.” In a separate tweet, Cheney accused Democrats of “careening from one impeachment to another," adding that they “can’t even wait 24 hours to see the transcript. Lesson: Evidence doesn’t matter to them.” Pelosi launched an impeachment inquiry against Trump after Democrats expressed alarm over an August complaint accusing Trump of having "used the power of his